Category: Uncategorized

25th November: Tony Gervis – One man and his van

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Once again the gods have conspired against us and our old friend Fez has had to pull out of next Thursday. Apologies for this but we will reschedule him later in the season. We are delighted to say that at very short notice we have been able to secure the services of Tony Gervis FRPS who is going to present ” One man and his van”. A wild tale of a solo trip of 19000 miles in his camper van across Europe, Turkey ,Iran, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan and several more stans, Russia, Belarus and more. Guaranteed to be an entertaining evening!

P.S. Following on from the inspirational presentation last week from Jeanette Lendon, the Smart Phone Photo Shoot originally scheduled for the 25th November will also be move to later in the season giving members more time to practice some of the techniques discussed last week. The programme was changed to accommodate the rescheduled Fez … and then … well you know !!!!

Categories: Uncategorized

18th November: Jeanette Lendon – The Art of Smartphone Photography

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We used to have phones that took photos. we now have cameras that make phone calls. If you own a smartphone, then you own a camera, and if you own a camera, you have the tools to create stunning images and video content. Smartphone photography has gained greater kudos over the last few years, mainly due to the fact that the camera capabilities on phones can now rival DSLRs.

Categories: Uncategorized

11th November: ‘Hybrid’ meeting

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This weeks meeting (11th Nov) is a members meeting.

As promised we are trialling a meeting at the club hall twinned with a Zoom presentation for everyone. Members are invited to turn up at the club in the hall on Thursday night and participate in person, or participate through the published Zoom meeting. Rob Dyer our print secretary will be hosting and running the meeting from the hall, I will be hosting the Zoom session from home. There will be no refreshments at half-time in hall, so you may want to bring a bottle of water/soft drink with you.

Hand sanitiser will be available and we would ask that all members attending the hall please wear a face covering when in the hall as it will not be practical to open the windows and doors.

Please understand that this is an experimental meeting to explore the possibility of running hybrid meetings simultaneously online with Zoom and in the hall. It will be technically challenging and may or may not work, but at least we will have given it a go.

This members evening is the best opportunity to do this so that we don’t risk disruption to paid speakers or competition judging.

Please keep an eye at the website ( for further updates.

Previous members and potential new members from the Facebook group are invited to attend in person or by zoom and have been included on this email, The link to the zoom meeting is posted on the website.

Categories: Uncategorized

13th November: Photographic display – The Shires

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We are having another photographic display on Saturday 13th November in The Shires shopping centre, Trowbridge from 9AM (by Boswells cafe). Come along and see some of our members images and find out what we get up to on club evenings. Hopefully you’ll like what you see and will want to join. We look forward to meeting you.

Categories: Uncategorized

28th October: programme change

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Change to the published Programme.
Unfortunately our good friend Fez Parker who was due to present to us on 28th October has had some technical issues . Therefore we have had to delay his talk on Drones until later in the season.
At very short notice we have secured a very worthy alternative. Pete Bartlett ARPS. will present his talk “The Way We Were” which charts his journey with Street and Urban Photography.

Categories: Uncategorized

14th October: Gary Nicholls – The Imaginarium; Reality is For People without Imagination

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This week’s presentation has an interesting ring to it. Gary’s Statement says “I  explore the darker side of life to evoke the feelings and emotions in my work and creates themed images each to usher the view into the sacred arena of my imagination, challenging them to fantasize about a magical space that is the theatre of art.”

The Zoom link for the meeting is the same as before, and as as always new members are welcome to join us to see what we get up to – see home page for details.

Categories: Uncategorized

23rd September: Tony Worobiec – Night & Low Light Photography

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Tony is the author of 17 books, studied fine art at The University of Newcastle upon Tyne and spent 18 years as head of a large design faculty in Dorset. He has won awards for photography in the UK and internationally, and has had work exhibited in London’s Barbican Gallery, Bradford’s National Museum of Photography, The Menier Gallery London and The Fox Talbot Museum Lacock.

His presentation for this weeks meeting (23rd September) is self-explanatory and will no doubt interest many members of the club.

Categories: Uncategorized

Open category competition – image submission deadline

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For club members that weren’t present for the first Zoom meeting of the season last night, this is a reminder that subscription fees are now due, for those that have not already paid, and that the first digital competition takes place on 30th September – the category is Open.

Images will need to be submitted no later than Thursday 16th September and you also need to have paid your subscription fee to enter. Entries to be emailed to as normal.

Categories: Uncategorized
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