Club Constitution

This Constitution is the latest version, revised in March 2024 to include a paragraph on working with children’s groups. This version of the Constitution is what the club will be working in accordance with, and any other versions or paper copies are to be considered superseded.

Trowbridge Camera Club Founded 1942

1. The name of the Club shall be Trowbridge Camera Club.

2. The object of the Club shall be the advancement of photography in all its aspects.

3. The officers of the Club shall be a President one or more Vice-Presidents, a Chairman, Vice-Chairman, Secretary, Treasurer, Programme Secretary, Print Secretary and Projection Secretary.

4. The management of the Club shall be invested in a Committee which shall consist of the Chairman, Vice-Chairman, Secretary, Treasurer, Programme Secretary, Print Secretary, Projection Secretary and up to five members elected at the Annual General Meeting. The Committee shall have power to fill any vacancy in their body which may occur between Annual General Meetings (in future referred to as AGM’s) and such member/s appointed shall hold office until the next AGM. 

5. The Committee shall meet for the transaction of business as often as they decide but not less than four times each year. Five members shall form a quorum. A special Committee meeting shall be called by order of the Chairman or by the request of two Committee members. The Committee shall have the power to co-opt additional members as they deem fit.
The Officers and members of the Committee shall retire annually and shall be eligible for re-election.
All elections may be by ballot or show of hands of the members present at the A.G.M. No member shall be eligible for the election of Treasurer until he/she has been a Full Member for one calendar year.
Each nomination of candidates for election shall be signed by two other members and shall be sent to the Secretary to arrive at least seven clear days before the date of the A.G.M. If less than the required numbers of nominations are received the A.G.M may, by resolution, accept nominations by proposition at that meeting. Any member nominated for the position of an Officer, as per Rule 3, who is not elected, shall be regarded as nominated for election to the Committee.

6. The Secretary shall convene all meetings of the club and shall keep a record of all business transacted. He/she shall conduct the correspondence of the Club, keep a list of members and shall submit a report to the A.G.M.

7. The funds of the Club shall be applied solely to its stated object. All club monies shall be paid to the Treasurer who shall keep a record of all monetary transactions and present a financial statement to the A.G.M. This statement shall be audited by a person appointed for the purpose by the Committee. All monetary transactions requiring authority shall be signed by the Treasurer and one of two authorized Officers. The financial year will end on 31st December. Officers of the Club shall not receive payment either direct or indirect for their services or for anything except legitimate expenses incurred in their duties.

8. The A.G.M. shall be held within four weeks of the end of the financial year on the date to be decided by the Committee. A Special A.G.M. shall be summoned by motion of the Committee or on the written application of not less than six Full Members of the club. Seven clear days’ notice of such an A.G.M. or Special A.G.M. shall be given to Full Members by the Secretary.

9. Ordinary meetings of the Club shall be held weekly or at any other time decided by the Committee. Each member shall have the right to introduce one visitor at an ordinary meeting provided that such a visitor shall not attend on more than two occasions during one season, i.e. Winter or Summer season.

10. Membership of the Club shall consist of Full Members aged 18 years of age and over. Persons desiring to join the club shall be duly approved by the Committee, who reserve the right to refuse membership should they deem it desirable. Accepted members shall be required to pay the appropriate subscription within four weeks after the first visit.

11. Every member shall pay an annual subscription as determined at the previous AGM, such subscriptions being due on 1st Thursday in Sept. Membership shall be valid until 31st Aug. of the ensuing year. Any existing member who has not paid their subscription within four weeks following the due date shall cease to be a member of the Club. Persons joining after the 1st Thursday shall pay a pro rata subscription.

12. In the light of the PAGB Guidelines on young people attending camera clubs, Trowbridge Camera Club is for adults only.

13. When working with children’s groups – hereafter referred to as group(s) (e.g. children’s dance groups, but not limited to this) – the Club will ensure that the group supply sufficient staff who are DBS checked (Disclosure and Barring Service – previously CRB), along with any licenced chaperones the group feels necessary to attend to ensure that the children are safeguarded.

14. The Committee shall have the power to terminate the membership of any member but such member shall have the right to appear before a meeting of the Committee.

15. Any member wishing to resign from the club shall give notice to the Secretary, pay any subscription due and return any property of the club.

16. These Rules shall not be altered except at an A.G.M. or a Special A.G.M. convened for that purpose. Proposed alterations shall be notified to all Full Members at least six weeks before the meeting. Any subsequent amendments proposed should be submitted to the Secretary, in writing, at least four weeks before the meeting and any motion must be carried by a majority vote of members present. Any member desiring to propose an alteration to the Rules shall give eight weeks written notice of their proposal to the Secretary.

17. In the event of dissolution of the Club. The club may be dissolved only by consent of three-fourths of the members present at a Special General Meeting called for that purpose. Such a meeting shall appoint a Liquidator and decide on the disposal of all club funds and assets.

18. Any matter not covered by these Rules shall be dealt with by the Committee.

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