The club recently entered 18 images into the WCPF Inter-club DPI competition – click here to view the results.

The new competition rules for the 2024/25 season have been published – click here to view.

We are a well established, ever-growing, diverse, modern and active camera club, who are enthusiastic about our photography. We meet weekly between September and April and we hold practical evenings, host external speakers on a variety of photographic subjects, internal and inter-club competitions, critique evenings and presentations from our own members. If you are interested in joining us, perhaps you’d like to look at our programme, or find out how to join.

Meetings are held on Thursday evenings at 7:30pm.

The 2024/25 season starts on 12th September with a welcome meeting in St Thomas’s Church Hall Trowbridge (see map).

We will be retaining the Zoom meeting facility, and may hold the occasional online meeting as an alternative to visiting speakers. This allows us to engage speakers from further afield and also accommodate members who only want to participate online.

New members are always welcome and can join at any point during the season. Come along to any of our meetings in the hall or join Zoom meetings when held (see the ‘Join Us‘ page for more information and the Zoom meeting link).

We will be operating a waiting room, the host may send a message before admitting you so please respond and you will be let in. We are looking forward to welcoming back all members old and new.

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