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Meeting 9th January: Members Evening – “My Favourite Photographers”

This Thursday will be a Members Evening entitled “My Favourite Photographers”. Club members Nick, Jill and Jane will present a selection of  images taken by photographers that inspire and influence their photographic style. The evening is also open to all other members who would like to contribute by bringing some images that similarly inspire them.

Non-members are welcome to come along for up to 3 taster meetings before joining. All we ask is that you pay the £2 entrance fee for those 3 evenings. We meet at St Thomas’ church hall at 7:30 (see map).

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Next meeting 2nd January: Online members meeting (Zoom)

There will not be a meeting this Thursday as it will be Boxing Day. Our next meeting on 2nd January will be online (Zoom),so please don’t turn up at the hall. This will be a members meeting to get us back in the swing of things. Members can show us their Christmas photos – your Turkeys (and all the trimmings), tasteless Christmas jumpers and over the top decorations. There may even a prize for the photo that best encapsulates “The Spirit of Christmas”.

The details for the Zoom meeting are:

Time: Jan 2, 2025 19:30 Greenwich Mean Time

Join Zoom Meeting using the weblink below

Meeting ID: 814 0612 5505

Passcode: 327599

We will be operating a waiting room, the host may message you before admitting so please respond and you will be let in. We are looking forward to welcoming back all members old and new.

Merry Christmas everyone!

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Meeting 18th December: Christmas social

There will be no meeting in the hall on Thursday night (19th December) instead we will be having our Christmas social on Wednesday 18th, which will be a meal at the Farmhouse Inn at Southwick. We will be meeting in the bar from 7pm, ready to sit down at the table for 7:45pm.

Once again we will be having a quiz to entertain us, although George is keeping quite about the topic. Don’t forget to wear your Christmas jumpers!

Categories: Uncategorized

Meeting 12th December: Enprint competition

This Thursday we will be holding an Enprint competition for the Dicks Trophy. Enprints are a smaller print format – 6″x4″ or 7″x5″. This will be an open topic, so anything goes – it could be some of your older snaps or photos for a bit of fun, or perhaps images with impact.

Bring your prints (6″x4″ or 7″x5″) on the night (4 maximum) – no need for mounting, just write the title and your Membership number on the back. The winner will be judged by the members.

Non-members are welcome to come along for up to 3 taster meetings before joining. All we ask is that you pay the £2 entrance fee for those 3 evenings. We meet at St Thomas’ church hall at 7:30 (see map).

Categories: Uncategorized

Advance reminder: Enprint competition for the Dicks Trophy

We will be holding an Enprint competition for the Dicks Trophy on Thursday 12th December. Enprints are a smaller format – 6″x4″ or 7″x5″. This will be an open topic, so anything goes – it could be some of your older snaps or photos for a bit of fun, or perhaps images with impact.

Bring your prints (6″x4″ or 7″x5″) on the night (4 maximum) – no need for mounting, just write the title and your Membership number on the back. The winner will be judged by the members.

Categories: Uncategorized

Meeting: 5th December – Photo Walk

This Thursday we will be holding a Photo Walk – a practical session involving an evening walk around Trowbridge. Capture those Christmas lights and festive excesses around the town. It may not snow, but lets hope it’s dry!

Don’t forget your cameras, tripods and any other equipment you might need.

Non-members are welcome to come along for up to 3 taster meetings before joining. All we ask is that you pay the £2 entrance fee for those 3 evenings. We meet at St Thomas’ church hall at 7:30 (see map).

Categories: Uncategorized

Meeting 28th November: DPI competition – Open theme.

This week’s meeting is our second DPI Competition – “Open” (Any Subject Any Genre).

A welcome return to Alistair Ritchie from Backwell Camera Club. Alistair is interested in all aspects of photography, particularly studio work, dance/music/street and nature.  Being no great stickler for rules and more driven by the emotional impact of an image, Alistair is an excellent choice for our Open themed competition.

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Meeting 21st November: Members evening – images from Wiltshire Caledonian Pipes & Drums photoshoot

Photo taken by George Evans

This Thursday we have a members evening where members can show their images from the Wiltshire Caledonian Pipes & Drums photo shoot a few weeks ago. Members can either show their images taken on the night, or if anyone is feeling creative, they can produce a short DVI slide show (5 minutes max) created from their images.

Non-members are welcome to come along for up to 3 taster meetings before joining. All we ask is that you pay the £2 entrance fee for those 3 evenings. We meet at St Thomas’ church hall at 7:30 (see map).

Categories: Uncategorized

Change to meeting 14th November

Unfortunately our presenter for Thursday night, Bob Bishop has come down with a particularly nasty tummy bug and is unlikely to be able to make it on the evening.

Fortuitously Jeff Barber is able to come to the rescue with a more in depth talk on Lightroom and image management. It was very clear from last week’s excellent talk that he has a great deal more to offer us, so we intended to schedule another session later in the season. Bringing it forward to this week will give it continuity, a chance to discuss some of the finer points, and an opportunity for more questions.  Bring your questions on image management, lightroom and anything computer related. Looking forward to another interesting and educational meeting.

We will schedule Bob for his presentation in the new year.

Submissions will still be due for the DPI Competition – “Open” (Any subject, any genre).

Non-members are welcome to come along for up to 3 taster meetings before joining. All we ask is that you pay the £2 entrance fee for those 3 evenings. We meet at St Thomas’ church hall at 7:30 (see map).

Categories: Uncategorized

Meeting 14th November: Have Camera Will Travel

This Thursday we have a presentation entitled “Have Camera Will Travel” by Bob Bishop EFIAP/p, BPE5, LRPS. This talk covers several genres including landscape, a trip to Burma, street, a model shoot and event photography. Bob also breaks down some of the images to show how they have been edited to achieve the final result.

Submissions due for DPI Competition – “Open” (Any subject, any genre).

Non-members are welcome to come along for up to 3 taster meetings before joining. All we ask is that you pay the £2 entrance fee for those 3 evenings. We meet at St Thomas’ church hall at 7:30 (see map).

Categories: Uncategorized
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