Programme Update
Our current published programme runs to the end of February and so it is time to start to inform members what will be in the programme for the remainder of the season March to April.
As most members will be aware we trialed in-hall meetings on 3rd Feb with a very successful Terrick Retrospective. Unfortunately, the “test” revealed our continued vulnerability to the Covid situation with members testing positive for Covid soon after. Although there is no suggestion they picked it up in the hall, it does reveal the continued risk to gatherings.
In consultation with our Chairman, Kevin and the committee, we have decided that in-hall meetings are probably less likely for the rest of the season. The only programme item affected was planned for the 24th February which was an in-hall photo shoot. This will now not take place.
As an alternative we have decided to take our photo shoot to the relative safety of outside. Time of year being what it is, the proposal is for all interested members to meet at Lacock on Saturday 26th February at 11:00AM instead of our usual Thursday 24th Meeting. Hopefully the weather will be kind!
Anyone who is familiar with Lacock knows that there are plenty of photo opportunities around the village without the need to go into the Abbey grounds. Any members who are also National Trust members (or may want to pay admission) will of course be able to go into the Abbey and grounds. We can be organised so that we don’t end up with most members in the grounds and 1 or 2 members left in the village or vice versa.
As a follow up, in a few weeks’ time we will have a members evening to share all of the images taken on the day.
We hope this “rolling” approach to the programme this season has not been too inconvenient for members, but it hardly needs saying it has been difficult to predict what we are going to be able to do regarding the hall.
Let us all hope that next season we will be back to normal and we can resume print competitions and the sorely missed photo shoots with some unique and unusual subjects.