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Programme Update


Our current published programme runs to the end of February and so it is time to start to inform members what will be in the programme for the remainder of the season March to April.

As most members will be aware we trialed in-hall meetings on 3rd Feb with a very successful Terrick Retrospective. Unfortunately, the “test” revealed our continued vulnerability to the Covid situation with members testing positive for Covid soon after. Although there is no suggestion they picked it up in the hall, it does reveal the continued risk to gatherings.

In consultation with our Chairman, Kevin and the committee, we have decided that in-hall meetings are probably less likely for the rest of the season. The only programme item affected was planned for the 24th February which was an in-hall photo shoot. This will now not take place.

As an alternative we have decided to take our photo shoot to the relative safety of outside. Time of year being what it is, the proposal is for all interested members to meet at Lacock on Saturday 26th February at 11:00AM instead of our usual Thursday 24th Meeting.  Hopefully the weather will be kind!

Anyone who is familiar with Lacock knows that there are plenty of photo opportunities around the village without the need to go into the Abbey grounds. Any members who are also National Trust members (or may want to pay admission) will of course be able to go into the Abbey and grounds. We can be organised so that we don’t end up with most members in the grounds and 1 or 2 members left in the village or vice versa.

As a follow up, in a few weeks’ time we will have a members evening to share all of the images taken on the day.

We hope this “rolling” approach to the programme this season has not been too inconvenient for members, but it hardly needs saying it has been difficult to predict what we are going to be able to do regarding the hall.

Let us all hope that next season we will be back to normal and we can resume print competitions and the sorely missed photo shoots with some unique and unusual subjects.

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February 10th: DPI Competition 3 – Flora & Fauna

This week is our Flora and Fauna DPI competition judged by John Hudson ARPS, DPAGB, SPA, ASPS. John is a member of Bristol Photographic Society, a very experienced judge and an international award winning photographer. We are looking forward to his comments and critique, as well as some stiff competition from both groups .

Gallery image
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February 3rd: An Evening With Terrick Meakin

For this Thursday’s club meeting (3rd Feb) we are pleased to announce – An Evening With Terrick Meakin. A journey through a lifetime of printed images from Terrick’s vast archive. We would welcome as many of our members into the hall for this event as it involves viewing many beautifully prepared prints – the meeting will start at 7:30pm.

We will not be serving tea and coffee at half time, but will hope to reintroduce this at later meetings. I will set up a camera and Zoom meeting (hosted from the hall), however online you will not get the benefit of seeing the prints and participation will necessarily be limited.

Past members and non-members will be welcome to attend, but we would appreciate a small voluntary donation to club funds by any past and non-members on the night.

For those of you who have forgotten or do not know where the church hall is , click here for the map.

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January 27th: Competition Photography and how I go about it – George Reekie

For this week’s meeting we have George Reekie DPAGB, ABPE with a presentation entitled  “Competition Photography and how I go about it”.

A look at how to get the best out of your competition entries. George has promised a fun evening of experiences and anecdotes.

Important reminder: Submissions are due by Thursday 27 for DPI Competition 3 – Flora & Fauna.

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20th January: Out Of The Dark – Still Life Photography

This week’s meeting is a presentation by Simon Capland LRPS and entitled “Out Of The Dark – Still Life Photography”. The title is self-explanatory and there will be much interest from our members on this subject.

Usual Zoom Session details (see home page) and as always new members are welcome to join the meeting to see what we do as a club

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13th January: AGM


This week is the AGM. Agenda and proposals documents attached. Financial statement to follow.

Please try to attend as we have a couple of important proposals to discuss and after the meeting we will show our entries for the WCPF Competition.

Usual Zoom Session details (see home page) and as always new members are welcome to join the meeting to see what we do as a club.

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6th January: The Industrial Tourist – Andy Marland

Happy New Year everyone.

This week’s meeting, Thurs 6th January, is a presentation by Andy Marland entitled “The Industrial Tourist”.

Usual Zoom Session details (see home page) and as always new members are welcome to join the meeting to see what we do as a club.

Categories: Uncategorized

9th December: Members Evening

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This week is a members’ critique evening – 2 images from each member 1 mono, 1 colour on the theme ‘BENT’. No external judge this time, just a your fellow club members looking at them, offering their critique and being entertained with your images on the chosen theme. 

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Presentation Thursday 2 Dec – David Sadler

It is with enormous pleasure that we welcome Dr. David Sadler to our club this Thursday 2nd December. Dr. Sadler is a professionally trained forensic pathologist, but in his soul he is a punk rocker who loves skateboarding, wacky selfies, using a fish eye lens that reflects his unique take on the world.His presentation is promised to have us laughing out loud at his wonderfully humorous images complete with imaginative titles and added text.The talk is called “ ..and Now For Something Completely Different” .. so hold on tight… this may be a very strange and wonderful ride!

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Reminder for next DPI Competition: Bent

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A reminder of out forthcoming light-hearted critique evening around the theme “Bent!”

Submissions to Jeff Barber by 2nd December please. 1 Mono 1 colour from each member.

No external judge , the members will view and offer a critique of each image during the Members Evening on 9th December.

Changed by bending out of an originally straight or even condition
Strongly Inclined
Slang: different from the normal or usual.

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