Meeting 4th April: Members critique evening

This Thursday will be a critique evening, an opportunity for members to have constructive feedback on their images by our fellow members. This is a new type of meeting for us so if successful we will be developing the format for future critique evenings.

Members should bring or send (  up to 4 images for the group to consider. These can be prints brought on the night, or projection images sent by email or brought on a memory stick. Label the images with a 1, 2 3 or 4 at the beginning of the filename followed by the title and you our membership number. Example: 1 This is a Bird 193.jpg. If you don’t wish to be identified just put 000 as your membership number.   If you would like you can give a short intro to your images e.g. how why, where you took them. We will sort the images by number all the 1’s the 2’s etc, so we can do as many as possible and hopefully ensure that everyone will get at least 1 or 2 images shown.

The images can be of any subject, but as we have missed out on the competition for experimental photography, this would be the ideal opportunity to submit any you have already taken for this subject. The critique for will be given by 3 members chosen randomly from a group of those who wish to participate. Please let me know if you want to be included as critics. As a guide you will be looking to comment on content, composition, impact, photographic technique, artistic value.

Non-members are welcome to come along for up to 3 taster meetings before deciding whether to join or not. We meet at St Thomas’s church hall at 7:30.

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