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April 21st: Drone Photography – Fez Parker

This week we are moving back into the hall for our meeting and we have great pleasure in welcoming back Fez Parker in person for his latest presentation on drone photography. Fez has had amassed a huge amount of experience and expertise in arial photography as a career photographer with the Royal Navy. He is also an accomplished photographer in many other fields including landscapes and portraiture. In the last 2 years, he has joined the world of drone photography, and he is going to share with us his journey as he has moved into this new field.

For newer members who have not been to a meeting in the hall the address is:

St Thomas’s Church Hall

York Buildings


BA14 8PT

We will not be running the customary zoom session, due to the nature of the presentation making this impractical. Apologies if this is inconvenient for anyone. You can experience the best of this presentation by being there. We would encourage everyone to make the effort to attend and have the opportunity to meet again in person.

The meeting will start at 7:30pm as usual, and last around 2 hours.

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March 14th: All Stitched Up – Ian Smith

The subject of this week’s meeting by Ian Smith is entitled All Stitched up. In his presentation Ian will introduce us to the amazing world of Stitch Photography.

Usual Zoom session details apply (see home page) and as always new members are welcome to join the meeting to see what we do as a club.

Categories: Uncategorized

April 7th: One a Week, Every Week – Darren Pullman

This week’s meeting presentation is by Darren Pullman BPE3* CPAGB EFIAP, entitled “One a Week, Every week”

Darren presents the images he took in 2019 and 2020 as part of the challenge to take a photo every week. It’s noteworthy that the first year was pre-covid and most of 2020 was in lockdown.

Usual Zoom session details apply (see home page) and as always new members are welcome to join the meeting to see what we do as a club.

Categories: Uncategorized

March 31st: My Journey in Theatre Photography – Cat Humphries

This week’s presentation is by Cat Humphries and entitled My Journey in Theatre Photography. From documenting young performers at the Edinburgh Fringe Festival in the 1990s to shooting vintage Hollywood portraits for Sunset Boulevard in 2019, Cat will take us on a trip through her adventures in theatre photography, including the equipment used and images from publicity shoots, rehearsals and performances.

Categories: Uncategorized

March 24th: Members Evening

This Thursday’s meeting is billed as a members evening. It is open to any members to show off their work, talk about their images, and offer other members the opportunity to comment in an open forum. It is suggested that we present maximum of 6 images each to allow everyone a chance to participate.  It’s not a competition but an it’s a great opportunity to get some constructive feedback from like-minded photographers. 

We have set the theme as the Lacock photoshoot that many of us attended recently, but this is only a suggestion. To make it more interesting please feel free to present any of your work on any subject, especially for those who could not make it to Lacock.

Jeff our projection secretary is co-ordinating the images so please send to for inclusion.

Usual Zoom session details apply (see home page) and as always new members are welcome to join the meeting to see what we do as a club.

Categories: Uncategorized

March 17th: Storm Chaser – Andy Garnham

This week’s presentation is by Andy Garnham and is entitled Storm Chaser.

As a child, Andrew was scared of storms, hiding under the bed covers at night when one passed by. As an adult this fear changed into fascination of all weather types. This resulted in undertaking multiple trips to the US to join others chasing storms across the mid-west. This talk aims to set the scene about what it is like to chase storms, the highs, the lows and hopes to share the incredible forms and structure rarely seen in the UK.

Usual Zoom session details apply (see home page) and as always new members are welcome to join the meeting to see what we do as a club.

Categories: Uncategorized

March 10th: A Wet Night In – Spike & Penny Piddock

This week we are all set for  “A Wet Night In” with Spike & Penny Piddock.

Penny and Spike Piddock (both DPAGB & EFIAP) are members of Dorchester Camera club and also the British Society of Underwater Photographers. The Talk covers underwater life in a variety of places near and far, featuring curiosities as well as the more familiar species.

Usual Zoom session details (see home page) and as always new members are welcome to join the meeting to see what we do as a club.

Categories: Uncategorized

March 3rd: “Talk to Me” – Steve Proctor

An exploration of working with people to create images to be proud of. The talk will cover all aspects of two formal studio-based shoots from the planning, the shooting, the post-processing and sharing of the resulting images. He will talk about the technical aspects of the shoot but will emphasise the importance of collaboration between photographer and subject. There is also a selection of additional non-studio images to view.

Usual Zoom session details (see home page) and as always new members are welcome to join the meeting to see what we do as a club

Categories: Uncategorized

February 26th: Outdoor photo shoot at Lacock


Our photo shoot in the hall planned for Thursday 24th February will not be going ahead and there is no Zoom meeting in it’s place. However, as an alternative we have decided to hold our photo shoot outside at Lacock on Saturday 26th February at 11:00AM instead of our usual Thursday 24th Meeting.  Hopefully the weather will be kind!

Anyone who is familiar with Lacock knows that there are plenty of photo opportunities both around the village and in the Abbey grounds. We will have to be organised so that we don’t end up with everyone in the same areas, there should be plenty of room to space out and take photos relating to several genres (architecture, nature/wildlife, people, water, etc).

This event is open to the wider membership of our Facebook group and anyone else with an interest in photography. Please fee free to come along, meet up with us and discover what we do as a club. We have experienced members who can offer help if you are only just starting out in photography, or need help with certain aspects e.g. technical functions of your camera, equipment, image composition etc.

As a follow up, in a few weeks’ time we will have a members evening to share the images taken on the day.

Categories: Uncategorized

February 17th: Life Through an Aspergic Lens – Allison Webber

Allison Webber FRPS talks about the two things which play an important role in her life, photography and autism. Whilst photography has helped her understand, accept and manage her autism, autism has helped define her individuality through creative expression.

She will explore a few of the ways in which her autism affects her everyday life, for example coping with her highly focused interests and obsessive behaviour and the connection these have with her photography.

Usual Zoom Session details (see home page) and as always new members are welcome to join the meeting to see what we do as a club.

Categories: Uncategorized
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