Meeting 13th February: “Frozen In Time – The eerie beauty of Chernobyl through the lens”

This Thursday Club Member Lora will give us a presentation entitled “Frozen In Time – The eerie beauty of Chernobyl through the lens”, during which she will show us some of her remarkable images that document the aftermath of the 1986 Chernobyl disaster.

Photo courtesy of Lora Bennett

Submissions are due for DPI Competition – “Open” (Any subject, any genre).

Non-members are welcome to come along for up to 3 taster meetings before joining. All we ask is that you pay the £2 entrance fee for those 3 evenings. For any new members that do join at this time in the season a pro rata discount will be applied to the membership fee. We meet at St Thomas’ church hall at 7:30 (see map).

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