Change to meeting 14th November

Unfortunately our presenter for Thursday night, Bob Bishop has come down with a particularly nasty tummy bug and is unlikely to be able to make it on the evening.

Fortuitously Jeff Barber is able to come to the rescue with a more in depth talk on Lightroom and image management. It was very clear from last week’s excellent talk that he has a great deal more to offer us, so we intended to schedule another session later in the season. Bringing it forward to this week will give it continuity, a chance to discuss some of the finer points, and an opportunity for more questions.  Bring your questions on image management, lightroom and anything computer related. Looking forward to another interesting and educational meeting.

We will schedule Bob for his presentation in the new year.

Submissions will still be due for the DPI Competition – “Open” (Any subject, any genre).

Non-members are welcome to come along for up to 3 taster meetings before joining. All we ask is that you pay the £2 entrance fee for those 3 evenings. We meet at St Thomas’ church hall at 7:30 (see map).

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