11th March – Emily Middleton, Dutch Renaissance Photoshoot
An interesting departure from the normal this week. Please take part if you can.

An interesting departure from the normal this week. Please take part if you can.
Members,Our session this week, 25th February, is hosted by Committee Members Nick Krainc and Kevin Crosbie .Nick will share a selection of images taken by his Father-in-Law, taken during the 60s when he worked at the Woomera Rocket Range in Australia.Kevin will present to us his unique take on Macro Photography.So, a varied programme that we hope will entertain and inform.
Our next meeting on Thursday 18th February will feature a presentation entitled “Technique and Creativity in Night Photography” . Our speaker for the evening will be the extremely talented Professional Photography Tutor Nigel Forster from The Creative Photography Experience. This will be a unique and interesting evening that I am sure will appeal to many of our members who have already tried Night Photography or would like to give it a try. Another evening not to be missed !!
For next Thursday we have something very special for our members:-Together Steve & Jen are Sleepy Robot Photography!Based in Llanelli, South Wales, they have been working together for over 8 years. They pride themselves in not following convention & have been learning their craft to create unique portrait photography that has a twist from the norm!
Steve says;“Combining fashion and beauty photography to form high quality photographic art, we hope we are different! We can be found spending as much time creating props, sets or in post production as actually photographing. The result we hope is creative, unique with a little bit of wow! We hope you like our imaginative stories.Hopefully on Thursday we can share that through our talk about working on weekly themed shoots, playing with different materials to make props, and finish with some images and our journey about working with ballet dancers.”
This week is the architecture competition with our Judge Gary Shinner LRPS
For our next club meeting on 21st January we are trying something a bit different.
The club now has access to the Photographic Alliance of Great Britain Portal and the PAGB Recorded Lecture Service library.
The Programme Secretary has selected a title from the Canon EOS library of lectures that is certain be of interest to a wider audience not just Canon users.
The lecture is called “The Art of Back and White”
The presentation runs for 110 minutes, so breaks will be inserted by the Zoom Host who will be running the Lecture from a DVD.
Breaks will allow us to ensure the technology is working and gather some thoughts about the whole process. A test was carried out today (Wednesday) and it seems to work very well. This is a bit of an experiment both with the concept and the quality of the content. So please be honest in your feedback both during and after the session.
The last entry date for the Architecture Competition is Thursday 14th January.
entries to the projectionsecretary@trowbridgecc.co.uk
This week is the Annual General Meeting. Find attached the agenda, the minutes of last season’s meeting and this season’s accounts.
Please as many as possible attend, I don’t think it will be a particularly long meeting this year but we need your participation.
Look Forward to seeing you there.
Time: 14 January, 2021 19:30 Greenwich Mean Time
Every week on Thu, until April, 2020
Link: https://zoom.us/j/98403616170?pwd=MWNDU0lBcStjZWZYTFh0VEZYT01idz09
Meeting ID: 984 0361 6170
Passcode: 976471
Usual link 😊
Our first meeting of the new year is presented by Julian Elliot – A look at Japan’s architecture from the old to new.
Explore the old architecture of Japan to the newest. Starting in Himeji with its famous castle, going to Kyoto with its beautiful temples the talk ends in Tokyo with Blade Runner’esque architecture.
We know that many keen photographers are members of our Facebook group and enjoy the Trowbridge Camera Club Facebook pages but are not actually members of the club. If you like what you see now is the time to consider taking out a membership to allow full access to the up and coming 2020/21 season, be able to join in with competitions and photoshoots etc. During the season, the club meets every Thursday at 7:30 PM. Due to the current COVID-19 crisis the club evenings will be delivered via Zoom at least until December. We will return to weekly meetings in our Club hall in Trowbridge as soon as the situation allows.
The season will open on 3rd September with a welcome evening, open to all, existing members and potential new members. A Zoom link will be put on the Facebook page to allow access to all those wishing to take part. From the following week when the season starts with a schedule of speakers it will be paid up members only.
The membership fee for NEW MEMBERS the 2020/2021 season will be £40. This is a £5 reduction on the fee from last year to compensate for the fact that we are unable to have face to face meetings which we know everyone would probably prefer. Existing members rejoining will have an additional pro-rata discount due to the last season being finished early.
A programme has been prepared for the period September to December that has some very high quality speaker and technical workshops. We also hope to continue with club competitions which members are free to take part in if they wish. All competitions will continue to be judged by a qualified external judge. The rest of the season will be planned on a rolling basis as we see how the situation develops.
During the season we have already scheduled presentations on photography subjects as diverse as Chernobyl, Aviation, Travel, Corporate, Wildlife, Landscape, Art, Street, and Portrait. For those wishing to learn more about photography there are technical workshops on photography basics, Light Room and Still Life photography.
All speakers have been carefully chosen because they are well respected experts in their field and they can offer a unique approach to their subjects. We are confident this makes the Trowbridge Club a bit different and particularly appealing, good value to our members. If you wish to express an interest in joining our club please email our club Chairman Kevin Crosbie chairman@trowbridgecc.uk