Author: Kevin Crosbie

Meeting 22nd Sepember

Next week’s presentation is from Stephen Davis, It’s entitled Photographing Trees of the Savernake Forest.

Stephen is Head of Conservation at Wiltshire Wildlife Trust, and  a highly accomplished photographer who will explain the equipment, techniques and setting he uses.

Visit his website:

The presentation will be in the hall.

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Trowbridge Ladies Rugby Club

Trowbridge Camera Club is pleased to announce that we are photographers for Trowbridge Ladies Rugby Club this season.

We will be covering all of their home games and some cup and friendly matches.

Become a member of the Trowbridge Camera Club and get the chance to get into sports photography.

If your already a member contact the chairman for details.

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Summer Landscape Competition

Update on the Summer Landscape DPI Competition.

The meeting is open to existing members, former members and members of the Facebook group. So please join us ahead of the start of the new season of meetings in the church hall.

Here is the zoom link for Thursday 25th August – judging by Rob Heslop.

Join Zoom Meeting…

Meeting ID: 882 1268 8508 Passcode: 738278

There will be the usual waiting room.

The session will open at 7pm as usual so we can have a social chat beforehand.

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Outing to West of England Falconry

We are arranging another outing on Thursday 18th August this time to West of England Falconry, they are a small bird of prey centre situated in Newton St Loe. We will be aiming to get there by 10:30am.

This is the feedback that I have had from Naomi at the centre:

“We do twice daily flying displays, offering unique opportunity to photograph some of our raptors in free flight. With our 11am display focussing on native British species of birds of prey and our 2:30pm display showing you some of the species you can see both in this country and around the world. Displays last 45 minutes to an hour and you will experience 3 to 4 different birds in action.

I have attached some examples of the photographs our visitors have captured during our displays. 

You will also enjoy the opportunity to see over 20 different species of raptor in their aviaries or perches and our brand new Museum of Falconry, offering unique exhibits, films and refreshments. 

Nextdoor to our site is the award winning Newton Farm Shop and cafe, offering lunches, teas and a beautiful spot to sit and relax.

From just £5 per adult, £3 for over 65s and discounts available for group sizes above 12 people, visiting the centre for a flying display is a great way to enjoy good company, learn about birds of prey and have the chance to photograph birds of prey in close quarters.

There is no requirement to book in advance, but if you would prefer to do so, you can do via our website, where you can also pre-order guidebooks for your visit as well.” 

This link gives you more information.

If you want to attend we can co-ordinate car share or lifts as necessary.

This will be an exploratory visit, hopefully we will be able to arrange another in September on a Saturday or Sunday for those who cannot make it in the week.

I have been to this place for an experience day and I would thoroughly recommend it. The images below are of Charlie the Harris Hawk, taken by me at the centre.


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Summer Landscape Competition – Closing Date for entries 11th August

Reminder for the Summer Landscape Competition

Our Judge will be Rob Heslop LRPS from Forest of Dean Camera Club.

Closing Date for entries 11th August

We are holding this on 25th August. Entries should be submitted to Jeff the Projections Secretary – by 11th August.

Please follow the club rules for projection entries reproduced here in case you need them:

Digital Projections submitted should be:
8bit JPEG file format, max file size 2Mb (This is 2048KB or 2,097,152 Bytes), in RGB Mode, sRGB Colour Space, .
Maximum size of image 1600 x 1200 pixels in landscape. Maximum height of portrait image to be 1200 pixels.

All images entered will have author’s consent to be used in external competitions the following year if required unless opted out.
All images MUST be titled:
Title_Membership No._Group_Mono/Colour_Preference (1, 2, 3 or 4). Example – Milky Way over Avebury_123_B_Colour_1
The image should conform to the named subject.
Names or initials should not be visible.
Submit to Projections Secretary by email at:

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Club Meet Roundway Hill

We are arranging a club meet/group outing to Roundway Hill for Sunday 24 July starting at 10am at the No1 car park listed below. This is open to both members and non-members who may be interested to see what we do as a club.

Some details on Roundway Hill and surroundings from Jeff our projections secretary:

There are three main places to park, marked in red on the attached map.

No 1 is the preferred spot for about 7 or 8 eight cars but is often full. It’s just above the Devizes or Roundway White Horse.

No 2 is not so well defined but is often strewn with cars parked up. Both 1 and 2 offer access to flattish terrain.

No 3 involves driving over quite a rutted track, you’ll need to make sure your teeth are well stuck in.

Thinking of older members all the terrain, whilst flattish, can be a bit of a challenge, there are tracks but they can all be deeply rutted and overgrown, this is well trodden chalkland.

Quite close to No 1 and 2 there is woodland and open grassland affording opportunities for many bugs and insects and also open landscape views.

No 3 also offers access to woodland and steep hillside marked as Roundway Hill Covert, often teeming with butterflies.

The whole area is full of options for shorter or longer walks across chalk meadow type landscape with lots of sculptural features for photographic exploration depending on fitness, lots of macro possibilities as well as birds – Swallows, Swifts, Buzzards, Red Kites, Corn Buntings, etc, etc.

The best way to get there is to use Google Maps to find directions to Roundway White Horse.

Jeff has been to this whole area many times and is happy to offer further advice and guidance.

Love to see you there, it will be a great opportunity for wildlife shots and andscape.

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Presentation Thursday 2 Dec – David Sadler

It is with enormous pleasure that we welcome Dr. David Sadler to our club this Thursday 2nd December. Dr. Sadler is a professionally trained forensic pathologist, but in his soul he is a punk rocker who loves skateboarding, wacky selfies, using a fish eye lens that reflects his unique take on the world.His presentation is promised to have us laughing out loud at his wonderfully humorous images complete with imaginative titles and added text.The talk is called “ ..and Now For Something Completely Different” .. so hold on tight… this may be a very strange and wonderful ride!

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Trowbridge Camera Club