Meeting 21st December: Members Evening – Critique Evening

For the last meeting before Christmas, we have a members critique evening so bring along your prints or digital images on a flash drive, particularly any you feel may benefit from a different perspective or advice on how to improve them. We will have an open discussion with helpful and constructive advice from your fellow photographers.

If there is time or if there are not too many images, Jeff Barber has another presentation in reserve called “Competition Issues – Avoiding Judges’ Clickbait”. This will include a review of common problems with images, the likely causes and some ways to avoid or fix them in Lightroom or elsewhere. If time allows, we will also review the revised club competition rules. People are welcome to bring up any issues they have with any of the images they’ve submitted in the past, or issues they have with competitions or Lightroom in general.

New members are welcome to attend a couple of meetings as a taster, we meet at St Thomas’s church hall at 7:30.

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