For this Thursday’s club meeting (3rd Feb) we are pleased to announce – An Evening With Terrick Meakin. A journey through a lifetime of printed images from Terrick’s vast archive. We would welcome as many of our members into the hall for this event as it involves viewing many beautifully prepared prints – the meeting will start at 7:30pm.

We will not be serving tea and coffee at half time, but will hope to reintroduce this at later meetings. I will set up a camera and Zoom meeting (hosted from the hall), however online you will not get the benefit of seeing the prints and participation will necessarily be limited.

Past members and non-members will be welcome to attend, but we would appreciate a small voluntary donation to club funds by any past and non-members on the night.

For those of you who have forgotten or do not know where the church hall is , click here for the map.

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Trowbridge Camera Club