Programme 2022/23

25thLandscape & Seascapes DPI competition – judge Rob Heslop
8thWelcome night – subs due
15thMember showcase – Members new and old show off examples of their work.
Mounting Prints Demo
22nd Stephen Davis – Technical Evening: Photographing Trees Of Savernake Forest.
29th SeptemberJustin Quinnell Pin Hole and Camera Obscura Design.
6th Thomas Peck – The photographic sublime.
Submissions due for Competition Open DPI competition.
13th Mac Chivers – Modern & Post Modern Photography.
20thCompetition Open DPI – Peter Crane ARPS.
27thDavid Bathard- Mono Print Showcase.
3rdTony Cooper – The life of Don McCullin.
Submisions Due – Flora & Fauna Print competition.
10thChris Bigg – Bristol for the taking.
17thFlora & Fauna Print Competition – judge Eddy Lane ARPS DPAGB EFIAP APAGB.
24thKen Holland – When the well runs dry – sources of inspiration for your photography.
1stPhotoShoot – Companions Of The Longbow.
Submissions Due – Street DPI competition.
8thMax Leonard – Zone Trips: A globe trotting journey via the world of urban adventure photography.
15thStreet DPI Competition – Judge Ralph Snook.
22ndChristmas Social – Skittles Evening.
5thEddy Lane – Arctic Kingdom of the Ice Bear.
Submission Due – Architecture Print competition.
19th Architecture Print Competition – judge Tim Beale
26thMembers Evening – Presentation of Images or DVI from Photoshoot of Companions Of The Longbow.
2ndMembers Evening – Water drop demo and presentation by Kevin Crosbie and a Photoshop workshop by Rob Dyer.
Submissions Due – “Working Title” (Film, Book, Song) DPI competition.
9thPeter Weaver – “My Kind Of People”. All kinds of people photography including studio, outdoor, formal, candid and events.
16th “Working Title” (Film, Book, Song) DPI Competition – judge Mike Hendon LRPS.
23rdAndrew Marker – “FRPS and Beyond”. The talk is based around showing prints in panels Andrew submitted on his Journey to his FRPS.
2ndSubmissions Due – Triptych – Open Print competition.
Macro & Garden Photography by Victoria Hillman. Wildlife photographer Victoria presents a brand new talk written during lock down covering macro photography both in the garden and in the field.
9thTerrick’s Archive – Part 2. Another look through founder member Terrick’s extensive archive of prints.
16thOpen Triptych Print Competition – judge Emily Middleton. A welcome back to local art and photography tutor Emily who will be our judge for this rather different competition.
23rdMembers’ Evening – Critique Evening. Let us be the judges for a change ! No prizes but a chance for members to present 3 images (DPI or print) that they are particularly proud of and tell us why they like them and what motivated them to take the photo. Members will be encouraged to offer a critique.
31st‘Emotional landscape’ by Huw Alban. Huw is an artist specialising in the creation of images that capture true nature, whatever the subject.
6thSubmissions Due – Cityscape /Urban Landscape DPI competition.
The church hall is closed as it is Maundy Thursday, so we will be heading into Bath for a night photoshoot. We can organise some car sharing before the event for members that want to.
20thCityscape /Urban landscape DPI Competition – judge Steve Hallam LRPS.
27thGrand Prize Giving and review of Bath Photoshoot images.

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Trowbridge Camera Club