This Thursday’s presentation is from Thomas Peck entitled The Photographic Sublime.

Photojournalist Thomas Peck ( shows how the traditions of the Sublime influenced early landscape photographers through to the modern day. With examples from painters like Turner & Caspar David Friedrich & photos from Carleton E Watkins to M Kenna to S Salgado to A Adams to H Sugimoto, plus the author’s own pictures. A fascinating insight into a cultural trend which is sure to provoke some debate, especially when we look into the future at how photography and the Sublime might interact in the 21st century.

The presentation will be in the hall (see map), but the presenter will attend via Zoom projected using the club laptop and projector, members who are unable to get to the hall this week can still  join the zoom meeting (details below). This is the first time we have attempted this, but it has great potential for getting speakers like Thomas who would not normally be able to present to Trowbridge due to his remote location. As always, new members are welcome to come along.

Topic: Trowbridge Camera Club. Meeting 6 October 2022

Time: Oct 6, 2022 19:00 Greenwich Mean Time

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 873 4988 9261

Passcode: 886595

A reminder for members that Thursday is also the closing date for the first competition of the season. It’s an Open Competition for projection images. Please send to Jeff the projections secretary – If you are a new paid up member and have not received a membership number yet, please contact me(reply to this mail). We will allocate a number to use for this competition.

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